Stop Florida PMTA Registry Bills Now

Stop Florida PMTA Registry Bills Now

26th Feb 2024

Greetings To Our Loyal Customers,

We want to make you aware of an immediate crisis that is taking place all around our country.

Big Tobacco is trying to eliminate the entire vape industry by having state legislatures pass laws that would essentially outlaw almost all of our products. Just this week the Florida legislature is on the edge of passing a bill that would not only affect our businesses but also start a nationwide revolution against the vaping industry.

The SB 1006 and HB 1007 bills will impose a PMTA (premarket tobacco product application) registration requirement for every vape product to be sold in Florida.This bill is very similar to the bills passed in Louisiana and Oklahoma. But what does it mean?

  • No vape products can be sold if they are not approved by the PMTA,do not have a pending PMTA application or has an MDO that has been stayed by a court
  • Florida’s list of approved products will be almost none. .
  • You will face stiff fines and penalties if you are selling a vape product that is not on the list.

This is essentially a flavor ban and a PMTA ban all in one. It is happening right now in 34 states.

Today, Lightfire is calling for urgent united efforts to combat the chaos in FLORIDA, standing with the Florida Smoke Free Association and Vapor Technology Association (VTA) and utilizing a successful strategy from previous experiences.

When Florida passed a flavor ban back in 2020, we all worked with the Florida Smoke Free Association and Vapor Technology Association (VTA) to start an initiative to convince the governor to lift the flavor ban. All of our efforts were successful and the governor VETOED the flavor ban. .

The time is NOW to make our voices heard and to financially support our organizations. We must spread our message to our customers, vendors , and stakeholders. They need to contact their state representatives and let them know that this legislation will kill jobs, hurt households, and result in a health crisis with the increased cigarette usage. Tell everyone how ecigs have improved your health and assisted people in not smoking cigarettes. Let them know that you do not sell to minors and support all enforcement to keep these out of the hands of minors.

Your voice and financial support is needed . Please send letters and make calls. Please donate whatever you can to Florida Smoke Free Association and Vapor Technology Association (VTA). Ask yourself how this lost revenue will affect your business and then give so it hurts just a little. Don’t sit on the sidelines and let others fight your battle. It is all of our battle, this fight must be won.

Please see the contact information for the Florida Smoke Free Association and Vapor Technology Association (VTA);

Florida Smoke Free Association

Vapor Technology Association